Montessori philosophy insights from our Teachers, parent assistance in our community and other useful information for parents.

  Freedom and Responsibility by Dawn Young, Montessori Teacher
Many parents worry that their child in Montessori is left to their own devices with unlimited freedom to do exactly as they please. On the other hand, other parents are concerned that the Montessori curriculum is so structured that their child will have little opportunity to follow their own interests. Maria Montessori spoke about freedom balanced with responsibility.
How does this look in the primary classroom?

In Montessori primary classrooms students generally have the freedom to choose what they would like to do, when they would like to do it and with whom they would like to work. They do not have the freedom to choose to do nothing.
So how is this managed in the classroom?

Teachers have a responsibility to help students to cover the state curriculum. This is achieved by meeting with students, planning work with students and keeping records to ensure that students are meeting state requirements.
Teachers also have a responsibility not only to require work but to inspire work. This is done through story telling, connecting children to Montessori materials and following the interests of the child. Thus children should have enough freedom to explore their own interests balanced with achieving set work goals.

  Parent Assistance

All our parents are encouraged to help out at events during the year.  Here are some of our annual events that our parents will help out with:

  Working bees
  International Peace Day and Maria Montessori birthday celebrations
  End of year family bbq and graduation
  School trips
  Assisting with classroom projects
  Parents sometimes offer their own skills or services to the children or teachers
  Joining the Montessori trust board, or the school PTA

 Of Interest

  Contact our administrator to see our classrooms and meet our teachers, parents and students!
  If you would like to find out more about our name, logo and tagline and how these came to be, then read on  ....... 
  Montessori Madness by Trevor Eissler.  This is a book written by a Montessori parent - an informative guide about Montessori and with a further aim of publicising Montessori Education.  It's a fantastic read and is available in our parents library in the classroom .


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